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  • Kč1,386 - Kč3,499

Balancing current

Balancing current

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Active balancers

Active balancers (also just balancers) are additional devices to the BMS for more effective equalization of cell voltages and control of energy transfer among them.

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  • Number of articles in the series: 21s
  • Bluetooth
  • Jikong

BMS & Active Balancer SMART 8S-24S 150A 3.2V...

Price: Kč3,499

This BMS with active balancer, the JIKONG S-24 150A, is a premium control system for high capacity LiFEPO4, Li-Ion, LTO batteries. It is compact, easy to use via Bluetooth (built-in) via mobile app (Android, iOS). It monitors battery status, allows adjustment of discharge and charge parameters. Suitable for use in electromobility, backup power sources, solar power plants or energy storage systems.

Do not forget to order an RS485 converter to ensure the necessary data communication.